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Nannetta | Falstaff (G. Verdi) - Theater Trier, 2023- 2024

Adele |  Die Fledermaus (J. Strauss) - Theater Trier, 2023-2024

Jim  |  Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer (E. Kats- Cherin) - Theater Trier, 2023-2024

Yniold | Pelléas et Mélisande (C. Debussy) - Theater Trier, 2023

Emily | Help, help the Globolinks (G. C. Menotti) - Theater Trier, 2023

Ann Trulove | The Rake's Progress (I. Stravinsky) - Theater Trier, 2022

Sophie | Der Rosenkavalier (R. Strauss) - Theater Trier, 2022

Valencienne | Die lustige Witwe (Lehár)  - Theater Trier, 2021-2022

Rosina | Il Barbiere di Siviglia (G. Rossini) - Theater Trier, 2021

Drusilla | L´incoronazione di Poppea (C. Monteverdi)i - Theater Trier, 2020-2021

Lucy | The Telephone (G. C. Menotti) - Theater Trier, 2019-2020

Susanna | Le Nozze di Figaro (W. A. Mozart) - Theater Trier, 2019-2022

Musetta | La Bohème  (G. Puccini) - Theater Trier, 2019-2020

Die Junge Frau | Der goldene Drache (P. Eötvös) - Israeli Contemporary Players, 2019

Jonathas | David et Jonathas (Charpentier) - Barrocade Ensemble, 2018

Zerlina | Don Giovanni (Mozart) - Theater Trier, 2018-2019

Else | Else (Josef Tal) - Jaffa Festival and Krakow Festival, 2018

La Musica, Euridice | L'Orfeo (Monteverdi) - Barrocade Ensemble, 2017

Else | Else (Josef Tal) - Museum der Moderne Salzburg, 2017

Pallas | The Judgment of Paris (D. Purcell) - Barrocade Ensemble, 2017

Idolatria, Anania | Nabucco (Flavetti) – Abu Gosh Music Festival, 2016

Die Erste Frau | Baruch's Schweigen– EntArteOpera Vienna, 2016

Belinda | Dido and Aeneas – Abu Gosh Festival and Kol Hamusika Festival, 2016

Vespetta | Pimpinone (Telemann)- Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra, 2016

Das Mädchen | Gespräch mit einem Stein – Theater Esch, Luxemborg, 2016

Air, Human Nature | Il Diluvio Universale (Flavetti) – Phonix Ensenble, 2015

Daphne | Apolo e Daphne (Händel) – Barrocade Ensemble, 2015

Das Mädchen  | Gespräch mit einem Stein (E. M. Sheriff) - Theater Bonn and Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, 2015

Eva | der Garten (Josef Tal) – Theater Bonn and Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, 2015

L'Eta dell' Oro | La Senna Festeggiante (Vivaldi)- Barrocade Ensemble, 2015

Die Erste Frau | Baruch's Schweigen (E. M. Sheriff)– Stadttheater Fürth, 2015 

Phaedrus | Symposium (R. Weidberg, World Premiere) - Opera Camera, Tel- Aviv, 2014

Belinda | Dido And Aeneas – Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra, 2013

Shepherdess | Venus and Adonis (Blow) – Innsbruck Festival, Austria, 2013

Second woman | Dido and Aeneas (Purcell) – Innsbruck Festival, Austria, 2013

Zerlina | Don Giovanni (Mozart)– Tel-Aviv University, 2012

Gretel | Hänsel und Gretel - Tel-Aviv University, 2012

a Dead Child | The child dreams (G. Shohat, World Premiere) - Israeli Opera,

Tel-Aviv 2010, Wiesbaden Festival, 2012

Valencienne | Die lustige Witwe (Lehár)  - Tel-Aviv University, 2011

Hadara | Flying lessons (E. M. Sheriff, World Premiere) - Cameri Theatre, Tel-Aviv, 2010

The girl | A Rat Laughs (E. M. Sheriff, World Premiere) - Cameri Theatre, Tel-Aviv, 2005-2010

The girl | A Rat Laughs - Toronto, Canada ,2009

Hänsel | Hänsel und Gretel (Humperdinck)- Israeli Opera, Tel-Aviv, 2006

Bastienne | Bastien und Bastienne (Mozart) - Israeli Opera, Tel-Aviv, 2005

The Shepherd |Tosca (Puccini) - Israeli Opera, Tel-Aviv ,2003

Oratorio Performed

C. Monteverdi  - Vespro della Beata Vergine 

C. Monteverdi - Gloria

M. Falvetti – Il Diluvio Universale  

M. A. Charpentier - Te Deum

M. A. Charpentier - David et Jonathas

T. Albinoni – Magnificat

A. Vivaldi – Gloria

A. Vivaldi – Magnificat 

G. P. Telemann – Magnificat

G. P. Telemann – Pimpinone  

J. S. Bach Mass in B Minor

J.S. Bach - Messe no. 3 G moll

J. S. Bach - Cantata BWV 51- Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen

J. S. Bach Cantata BWV 147

J. S. Bach - CantataBWV 199 

J. S. Bach – Coffee Cantata BWV 211

J. S. Bach – Hochzeitskantate BWV 202

J. S. Bach - Psalm 51 BWV 1083

J. S. Bach – Cantata BWV 244a – Klagt, Kinder, Klagt die es aller Welt 

G. F. Händel – Ode on St. Cecilia's day HWV 76

G. F. Händel – Apollo and Daphne HWV 122 

G. F. Händel - Gloria in Excelsis Deo

G. B. Pergolesi – Stabat Mater 

G. B. Pergolesi – Salve Regina

W. A. Mozart – Exultate Jubilate

W. A. Mozart - Requiem

L. V. Beethoven - Mass in C Major Op. 86  

F. Schubert – Mass in E flat Major

F. Schubert – Mass in G 

G. Fauré – Requiem  

G. Mahler Symphony No. 4

G. Mahler Das Knaben Wunderhorn
F. Poulenc – Gloria 

M. Duruflé - Requiem

J. Rutter – Magnificat

A. L. Webber - Requiem
J. Bardanashvili - Magnificat

 Z. Preisner – Requiem 

N. Sivan - Death and Birth 

Lieder Performed

H. Purcell - the Blessed virgin's Expostulation

H. Purcell – From Rosy bow'rs (from Don Quixote)

L. V. Beethoven – An die Ferne Geliebte Op. 98

R. Schumann – Frauenliebe und leben Op. 42

G. Mahler – Das Knaben Wunderhorn

H. Wolf – Mörike Lieder

R. Strauss – Drei lieder der Ophelia Op. 67

R. Strauss – Amor

R. Strauss- Zueignung (Op. 10 no. 1)

R. Strauss- Ich trage meine Minne (Op. 27 no. 3)G.

A. Zemlinsky – Walzer- Gesänge Op. 6

A. Schönberg – Op. 2

H. Berlioz – Les nuits d'été

L. Delibes – Les fille de cadis

M. Ravel – Vocalise Étude

R. Hahn – Infidélité

R. Hahn- À Chloris

B. Britten- A birthday Hansel (7 songs for voice and harp)

B. Britten – Songs from the Chinese

B. Britten - Seven Songs

M. De Falla - Seven Spanish Songs

Songs by Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Wolf, Mendelssohn, Alma Mahler, Mozart, Hayden, Grieg, Fauré, Chausson, Poulenc, Dowland and more.

Baroque Music

C. Monteverdi

  • Con che soavità, labbra odorate, madrigal for soprano and instruments (from Book 7), SV 139

  • O viva fiamma (duet)

  • Io son pur vezzosetta (duet)

  • Zefiro torna (duet)

  • Pur ti miro (duet from L'incoronazione di Poppea)

G. Caccini

  • Amarilli mia Bella

  • Mentre che fra doglie e pene

H. Purcell 

  • the Blessed Virgin's Expostulation

  • From Rosy bow'rs (from Don Quixote)

  • Two Daughters of this Aged stream are we (duet from King Arthur)

J. Rosenmüller

  • Cantata - O felicissimus paradysi aspectus

  • Cantata- Ad pugnas ad bella

G. F. Telemann 

  •  Cantata - Am Sonntage Laetare "Du bist verflucht o Schreckensstimme"

  • Cantata- Seele, lerne dich erkennen

D. Buxtehude – Singt dem Herrn ein neues Lied

H. I. F. Biber von Bibern – O dulcis Jesu

A. Stradella – Queste lagrime e Sospiri

G. Bononcini - Alle sue pene intorno

A. Vivaldi- In furore iustissimae irae, RV 626

A. Vivaldi- All'ombra di sospetto, RV 678- Cantata for Soprano, Recorder and Basso Continuo

A. Vivaldi – Lungi dal vago volto, RV 680 – Cantata for Soprano, Violin and Basso Continuo

A. Vivaldi – Sol da te mio dolce amore (from Orlando furioso RV 728)

A. Caldara - Cantata "Risoluto son già tiranno Amore

J. S. Bach

  • Johannes Passion BWV 245

  • Mattäus Passion BWV 244

  • Zeufzer tränen Kummer not (from Cantata No. 21)

  • Cantata BWV 51, BWV 147, BWV 199, BWV 202, BWV 244a, BWV 209

  • Coffee Cantata (BWV 211)

  • Die Seele ruht in Jesu Händen (from Cantata BWV 127)

  • Stumme, Seufzer, Stille Klagen (from Cantata BWV 199)

  • Schafe Können sicher Weiden (fron Cantata BWV 208)

C. F. E. Bach- Wie Bang

G. F. Händel  

  • Mi Palpita il cor (Cantata)

  • La lucrezia (Cantata)

  • Un' alma innamorata (Cantata)

G. F. Händel- Nine German Arias HWV 202-210

F. Mendelssohn - Höre Israel (from Elijah)

S. Rossi

  • Riede la Primavera (Duet) 

  • non ѐ questi'il ben mio? (Duet)

A. Banchieri – Vezzo di Perle

B. Marini – Songs

S. Rossi – Songs

J. Dowland – Songs

M. Lambert – Songs

Chamber Music

F. Schubert - der Hirt auf dem Felsen D. 965

F. Schubert – Auf dem Strom D. 943

L. Spohr – 6 Deutsche Lieder for Piano, Clarinet and Voice Op. 103

O. Respighi - Il Tramonto

R. Strauss – Alphorn for Horn, Voice and Piano Op. 29

H. Villa Lobos – Suite for Voice and Violin

M. de Falla - 7 Canciones Populares Españolas

B. Britten - Songs from the Chinese, Folk Songs

G. Holst – Four songs for Voice and Violin Op. 35

R. V. Williams – Along the Field (Cycle for Voice and Voilin)

R. V. Williams – Two English Folk Songs (for Voice and Violin)

G. Kurtág - Kafka Fragmente op. 24 (for Voice and Violin)

C. Bauckholt - Kohle, Kreide (for Voice, Cello and Video)

G. Crumb – Madrigal Book no. 3 (for Soprano, Harp and Percussion)

J. Cage – forever and sunsmell  (for Voice and Percussion)

F. Donatoni - Aahiel (for Voice, Clarinet, Piano, Marimba and Vibraphone)

S. Reich – Claping Music

B. Lang - DW 16.4 'Songbook 1.4 (for Voice, Saxophone, Electric Guitar, Piano and Percussion)

P. Leroux - Un lieu verdoyant (for Voice and Soprano saxophone)

A. Mincek – Color - Form - Line (for Voice, Violin, Flute, Alt saxophone, Tenor saxophone, Piano and Percussion)

E. Kohl- Johannes (for Voice and Percussion)

R. Saunders- Oh, yes & I (for Voice and Bass Flute)

J. Yu- Folding (for Voice and Percussion)

Roles performed

Roles studied

Despina – Così fan tutte (W. A. Mozart)

Monica – The Medium (G. C. Menotti)

die junge Frau– Reigen (P. Boesmans)


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